Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Logic Fails

No word yet on whether or not Carroll Bryant will accept our challenge, but he took the time to write another long-winded post mostly about things he has already discussed. We swear this guy sounds like a broken record. He thinks we are Jude, Amanda, Gen, Jon, John, and anyone else he can pull out of his magic hat whenever he wakes up in the morning. He's so concerned about us that he hasn't stopped posting about us yet, even though we are a small fry.

We have a few things to share. Let's start by going through his "evidence" that we are Gen, Amanda, Jude, etc. that he has revealed thus far. A new comment on one of his posts states the following:

We are glad that the anonymous commenter pointed out Carroll's lack of logic with the post GenXpose made on their blog. We weren't going to speak up about that particular comment because frankly, they do a damn good job of speaking up for themselves. It was obvious to anyone with a 5th grade level of reading comprehension that GenXpose was referring to their own blog, not the other blog. It was a real stretch to try to connect GenXpose to a blog that hasn't updated since August, 2012.

We were curious what this other blog had said previously about Carroll, so went hunting for it and this is what we found.

The first link discusses their change in review policy. Many bloggers last year changed their review policy mostly because of Carroll Bryant, so that isn't anything concerning or new.

The second link goes to an informative post about internet safety and it does reference Carroll Bryant. It was posted around the same time that most of the other bloggers were creating posts about him, so again, nothing very surprising. We are going to guess that Carroll thinks we are this blogger because this post mentions using an alias. That's a stretch. A quick Google search will bring up dozens and dozens of pages that suggest using an alias to protect your identity.

Let's recap what Carroll's logic is so far:

- Jude and Carroll had a breakup of some sort, so now every time someone says something about him, Jude must be behind it.

- GenXpose used a screen cap of something that Carroll said and then she referenced her own blog (the one she/he was typing on), but according to Carroll, GenXpose must have been talking about the other blog because that came first. Confused? So are we. We think it's a reading comprehension problem.

-Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My! created a post about internet safety and referenced how important it is to use an alias, so Carroll thinks because we use an alias, we must be Amanda. Or GenXpose. Or Jude. Or...hell, maybe we are all of them.

 - If you disagree with Carroll on his blog he assumes that you must be one of his arch enemies that he has created in his mind. If you agree, he will give you a hug and tell you how nice and sweet you are. Surprise, surprise.

- Mepis is Amanda's husband, Jon, and since he posted on GenXpose's site before, he and Amanda must really be running that blog.

The lack of logic is astounding. It makes our brains hurt. How do you go through life being that clueless? Now the best/most pathetic part about Carroll's whole post is that he compared us to (get ready for it) Hitler. Yes, that Hitler. The one who tried to conquer Europe and killed  approximately 6 million Jews. No comment. It's just too stupid for words. Then, not only does he bring in Hitler, but God, too. His preachy message of "God is watching you!" made us roll our eyes. When a person doesn't have anything left to say, apparently they turn to Hitler and God to back them up. This guy is a bad joke.

*What is your hang up with cats, dude? Did one of them bite you or scratch the hell out of you or what? Don't you know that the internet loves cats? You know about Justin Bieber, but you don't know the Grumpy Cat meme? We feel sorry for you because Grumpy Cat is awesome.

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